YITH Desire Sexy Shop – An Intriguing WordPress ThemeAn intriguing WordPress object because a website online as much intense as like easy in accordance with use.If you want in imitation of compose your users’ interest with a photograph diagram who is intensive then modern, Desire is the object that ye have been looking for! Designed according to meet the needs over these who want to sell merchandise including sensuality or style (as because of stores on lady then sexy underwear), Desire perform definitely change its look then accommodation with little easy clicks to selling some kind about product in imitation of somebody type over customers – thanksgiving in imitation of the superior choice panel and the built-in page builder. There is no such as like excited topic among our save namely versatile.Premium FeaturesShortcode managerThrough a easy button among the executive bar, you perform effortlessly accumulate shortcode into your posts or pages.Visual ComposerThis plugin helps the user between the building over the pages giving ye the ability in conformity with pull then decline content material is backend up to expectation frontend, therefore offering a preview of the result obtainedbackup then resetImport then export the pattern information because of your themeSlider RevolutionAll power about a slider including the coolest effects in imitation of redact you web site stand constantly a quarter forwardSupportWe offer a year of aid including the buy about the premium version , therefore ye execute originate a recent ticket then ask help in accordance with our developers.Sample dataWith a easy click you perform income our demo files, therefore thy topic intention show up as the theme preview, except for pics as are copyrighted yet supplied as much grey placeholdersExtensive Theme OptionsWith our advanced affair selections page, thou are attached completed control upstairs you affair yet its settings.600+ google fontsChoose amongst extra than 600 Google fonts according to personalize typography of you topic so you prefer.Unlimited colorsIn the top class version regarding the affair ye execute without problems accomplish the hues over every the sections and factors as text, links, announcement and and on.Unlimited touch formsCreate endless counsel forms because thine site then set upon every shape at all without problems by means of our panel.Custom widgetsAdd recent yet useful widgets in you internet site pages.2 Slider typesCompose thy turn web page choosing thine preferred slider after display you product and services.Quick infoRequires:WordPress four or higherCompatible above to:WordPress 4.6.xRequires:WooCommerce 2.5.0 or higherCompatible up to:WooCommerce 2.6.xMinimum PHP version:5.4Version:1.0.6Released on:07-22-2016100% WPML Compatible:yes View documentation View changelogGeneral featuresValid XHTML / CSSResponsive designBlog structure + threaded commentsSeo optimizedWidget equipped sidebarsIE9+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera yet Safari compatiblePREMIUM VERSION FEATURESAll services of the fair versionVisual Composer blanketed (value 33$)Parallax SliderTouch-friendly sliders“About”/”Team” pageSlider Revolution included (value 18$)“Contacts” page including customisable counsel form80+ superior shortcodesAdvanced save shortcodes (product sliders, tabs etc.)Ultimate Addons because of Visual Composer (value 17$)BigmenuChild topic readyAdvanced choice panel after customize typography, colours, layout then dense ignoble settingsYIT Layout in accordance with personalize settings concerning certain then more pages at the equal timeSample data according to build along few clicks the affairs configuration regarding our stay preview